Join the Bookin’ It Teen Book Club and discover great books, chat with authors, and make new friends this summer! Sign up online, at the Youth Desk, or call 928.777.1537.
All Bookin’ It participants will meet in-person, receive a free copy of each book, and are expected to participate in all four meetings. Each teen who completes the program will receive a Peregrine Book gift certificate. For teens, ages 13-18.
The Bookin’ It Teen Book Club Books
- June 7 at 2 pm: The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee
- June 21 at 2 pm: Echo North by Joanna Meyer (In-person chat with author)
- July 5 at 2 pm: Across the Desert by Dusti Bowling (Live Zoom chat with author)
- July 19 at 2 pm: Island of Spies by Sheila Turnage (Live Zoom chat with author)
Presented with generous funding from the Friends of the Prescott Public Library.