The library will be closed Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We will reopen Tuesday, January 21 at 9am.

Community Spaces



Prescott Public Library offers areas for community announcements or local event publicity as well as exhibit space. Pamphlet racks and a community information bulletin board are located on the 1st floor next to the Founders Suite. Additionally, The Betty Ritter Viewerie is located on the 2nd floor of the library and is available for historic, cultural, academic, or artistic displays by local organizations.

Learn more about the Exhibits and Displays Policy for these areas and and apply to reserve a space in the Viewerie.

Meeting Rooms

Prescott Public Library is pleased to make our meeting rooms available for the use by the community. Before requesting meeting rooms for the first time, please read our Meeting Room Use Policy. Reserve a room by submitting a reservation request form. Commercial and for-profit individuals, groups, or organizations will be charged according to the fee schedule. For additional information or questions, contact the Meeting Room Coordinator at 928.777.1500 x 5304 or

Study Rooms

The library has four study rooms (Valentine, Davis, Reti, and POD), each with a two-person occupancy limit, available for up to 120 minutes each day. Study rooms may be reserved up to one week in advance.  Contact the Ask a Librarian desk at 928.777.1526 or

Virtual Meeting Rooms

The library is pleased to offer a Zoom Business account available for use by the community for free virtual meetings. Before requesting a virtual meeting for the first time, please read our Virtual Meeting Use Policy. Request a virtual meeting by submitting an virtual meeting request form. Virtual meetings are available during the library’s normal hours of operation. Please contact the Meeting Room Coordinator at 928.777.1500 ext. 5304 or if virtual meetings are needed outside of the library’s normal hours of operation.

Room Policies

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