The library will be closed Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18 at 9 am.



Wireless Access

Prescott Public Library provides free Wi-Fi throughout the building and parts of the grounds.

The wireless network is Prescott Public Library and the password is prescottlibrary (note: prescott is all lower case)

Public Computer Use

Prescott Public Library has computers available for general public use on the 2nd floor of the library. Computers are also available for children on the 1st floor and for teens in the Teen Zone on the 2nd floor. Access these computers with your library card number and PIN or use a guest pass. Guest passes are available at the Ask a Librarian Desk on the 2nd floor or the Youth Desk on the 1st floor. You will initially be given two hours on the computer, but your time can be extended if there are still available computers. All computers have USB ports and accept flash drives.

Library Laptop Checkout

Library card holders with a valid government issued photo ID can check out a library laptop from the Ask a Librarian Desk for day use. Log in with your library card number and PIN or with a guest pass. You will initially be given two hours on the laptop, but your time can be extended if laptops are available for other patrons to use. The laptop is due back by closing on the same day of check out.


All the public computers on the 2nd floor print to a central laser printer located in the main public computer area. Children’s computers on the 1st floor have their own printer. At the print station, enter either your library barcode or your guest pass number. Follow the on-screen instructions to release your jobs.

Black and white printing costs 10¢ per page; color printing costs 50¢ per page.

Learn more about printing from your own computer or device.

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