The library will be closed Monday, February 17 for Presidents' Day.  We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18 at 9 am.

Adult Winter Reading

Play BINGO and track your reading to win prizes and be entered in a GRAND PRIZE drawing! When you get a BINGO contact the Ask a Librarian desk at 928.777.1526 to arrange to pick up your $5 gift card to a

You are invited to play our Adult Winter Reading BINGO! Win a $5 gift card to a local business by completing a BINGO and be entered into a drawing to win one of six $25 gift cards! Adult Services librarians are happy to provide you with personalized reading suggestions. We also have online resources you can explore on your own to find your next great read. Bookpage is a discovery tool for readers, highlighting the best new books across all genres. NextReads lets you enjoy annotated introductions to books in twenty areas of interest. NoveList offers read-alikes, recommended reads by genre, discussion guides, and more for fiction and nonfiction books. You can access these resources on our website. They can be found in the “Services” tab under “Reading Recommendations.” Visit the Ask a Librarian Desk on the 2nd floor or call 928.777.1526 for reading suggestions, or for help using any of these resources. You can pick up a Bingo card at the library or print one out from our website. This program is for adults and ends February 28. Bingo cards must be returned by Thursday March 3, and the drawing will take place on Friday March 4.

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