The library will be closed Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  We will reopen Tuesday, January 21 at 9am.

Virtual Event: Halloween: A Haunted History

**This is a virtual program, registration on Zoom is required.** This event will not be recorded for later viewing.

Join “Ghost Hunters” TV star, Dustin Pari, as he sheds some light on the spooky shadows of Halloween history and lore. Ghost stories? Oh yeah, he has some of those, too. A Q&A will follow the presentation.

With over 25 years of experience researching the unknown, Dustin Pari brings exciting and positive lectures about the paranormal all across the country. As a part of SyFy television’s Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, and appearances on Destination Truth and Ghost Nation, Dustin has traveled the world over looking for answers and expanding his understanding of the unseen realm. To learn more about Dustin Pari, feel free to visit his website at

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